Advantages and Disadvantages Biking Solo

When General Arze was still a child until his highs cool days, he used to have a BMX and mountain bike.  He usually ride his bikes during playtime hours and weekends, and cases on which his parents ask him to purchase something on the store or on the market. During college days, his desire for biking had stopped as he was very busy with academic and extra-curricular activities in school.   

But then last October 22, 2010, he officially purchase a brand new mountain bike with the help of Sir Dodong in identifying what brands or parts to be purchased and at the same time considering my budget and likes.  On that day, he pedaled his MTBike from the shop up to Malesido Phase 3.  The ride was just simple yet fulfilling because after how many years of not biking, he was able to make it to their house without any scratches and glitches.   

Before leaving the shop, Sir Danny drops by at the shop to meet me and hibalag. He had invited us also to drop by at Jollibee National Highway - 6:00am on Sunday, so that we could join them during their weekly fun ride, which was scheduled on the hills of Alabel, Sarangani Province.  Without any hesitation, I said yes and confirmed that we are joining them.

The moment of truth had finally come; the 1st leg of the ride was plain and simple as we pedaled on the highway only.  Then after an hour of pedaling, we had reached the pave road and the entry level of the 2nd leg was a steep pedaled, and that was the first time I had practice changing my gears that suits my need during the ascent.   Then next to it was a very long down hill then a minor uphill.  Although it was minor, I had a very difficulty on pedaling through it because I lack cardio exercise.   Due to this experience I had told to myself that I had to improve my biking and thus it was the reason why I started to go on solo ride, so that the group will not kept on waiting for me on when I could reach the finish line/rest area.  See you soon MTBikers, I just need to improve my cardio, speed and endurance.

For those who wanted to go solo ride, please consider some of the safety tips, advantages and disadvantages.  Mostly of which are base on my observations, experiences and readings. Safety Tips:
-   Always wear a helmet, to prevent head injuries for minor troubles that may arise
-   Bring a map and at the same time inform someone on where you are going and how long is your estimated time to be back home, so that in cases you had reached the maximum time and still your not home, then they now were to start looking for you
-   Bring hydration pack and energy booster like hydrite tables / gatorade to help you regain the lost energy faster.
-   Bring identification cards with contact numbers in case of emergency and police/brgy. outpost checkups.
-   Bring enough cash for food and emergency ride and bring also fully charged cellphone and make sure your sim card has a load enough to make emergency calls.  Make sure also that electronic devices and cash are placed on a ziplock.
-   Bring first aid kits and learn how to use them
-   Bring MTBike tools and of course learn how to use them.  Such tools to be considered are allen keys / wrench, chain cutter and air pump
-   Bring spare interior [make sure it has no damage].  Bring also patch kit in case that your spare interior will be flat
-   Greet your fellow MTBikers, whether they belong to a group or they go solo also.  Greet also the locals for those areas on which you are going to take your nap/rest.
-   For night ride, wear light-colored jersey and cycling/trek shorts.  Bring also rear blinkers/tail lights, headlamps and headlights
-   Don't ride too much technical downhill and uphill trails, because if you'll happen to get into accident, then no one will be able to help you.
-   In case you forgot to bring your tools, never hesitate to ask help from the locals / fellow bikers, you will be astonish that Filipinos are really helpful
-   Bring a whistle to be used in calling out for attention/help.  The international mountaineering distress signal is six (6) blasts to a minute.  To signal aid is on the way, give (3) blasts to a minute.
-   Obey traffic rules
-   Lastly create checklist a night before the long ride
-   You don't need to wait for fellow riders who might be late or not show up anymore.  Thus the group ride could not be compromise with the speed of each rider.  In this way you could go as far as you want thinking only of your own schedule.

-   If you ride alone, make sure to choose the best routes and trails on which you think your safety would not be compromised.
-   Solo riders are mere subjects to bully especially if they saw you that you pedaled slow or push you bike on steep ascents/descents
-   No one will be able to help you directly in case you get into trouble even though you have to shout loud, especially on those rural areas.
    About The Author

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